How to become Apollo?

Strength and courage are the main adornment of a man, that is why representatives of the strong sex strive to improve their physique, pump up their muscles.

Strength and courage are the main adornment of a man, that is why representatives of the strong sex strive to improve their physique, pump up their muscles. An athletic body and relief muscles are a source of pride, women first of all pay attention to athletic men, seeing in them a strong defender, a "stone wall" for the future of the family. And who does not want to look like a real Apollo? It is the desire to acquire a better physique and enhance male attractiveness that becomes the main thing when buying a gym membership.

More is not always better

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to visit the gym more effectively to quickly pump up your muscles. Among such tips and methods, there are many myths that will not only bring the promised results, but can also harm your health. For example, some sources claim that the heavier the weight you lift, the faster your muscles will pump up. There may be some truth in this statement, but for a beginner, such advice is more harmful than useful. When lifting heavy dumbbells and barbells, your muscles really pump up, but if you are a beginner, such a load can only lead to overexertion, sprains and even injuries. Most likely, after such a workout, you will be exhausted, and muscle pain will knock you out of your planned workout schedule for several days.

It is better to select the weight so that you can easily perform at least 15 repetitions in three approaches. At such a feasible level for you, you need to stay for at least a couple of months and only then increase the number of kilograms on sports equipment.

An integrated approach is the key to success

Everything in the human body is harmonious and well-thought-out. Many people desperately try to focus on a certain muscle group, dreaming, for example, of pumped-up arms and strong shoulders, others focus on the abs, and others on the legs. In fact, it is important to work out all muscle groups, and not to forget that for exercises with dumbbells and a barbell to pump up the arms and shoulders, it is important to have a strong back and abs. Only in the case of working out all the muscles and creating a strong muscular corset is it possible to acquire a beautiful athletic body and safely perform approaches with heavy weights.

It is also worth remembering that the respiratory and cardiovascular systems also need support. In addition to heavy weights and strength exercises, it is important to devote time to cardio training, stretching and even sometimes statics. Only a comprehensive approach can ultimately ensure a quick and safe achievement of results without injuries and overexertion.

kyle smith

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